Monday, August 25, 2008

In Need of Comrades

Currently looking for more local comrades for WoW.
Reason is because we can build up our own guild from there and setup a small team.

From there we will help one another in assisting for twink leveling and to higher level quests.

It seems that at higher levels of 49 onwards battleground, the hordes are owning most of the time.

We will need someone or even more Singaporean pro PvP (player versus player) friends to join in order to turn the tide over.

Last Sunday was helping out GuanZhong aka Bernard (gf's brother) to rush Deadmines for his rare drop from boss run.

I login my Female paladin and lured all the mobs to me while giving Guan allowance to follow without getting mobbed. It's easy for Protection Paladin. We are the tankers! =D

But suay la he drawn Aggro from the mobs while waiting for the mobs to die so he can loot LOL!!!


After: (Pick money time =D~~~)

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